Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2. June 22: Oahu - Dinner Cruise

Sunday, Yumi and I had yet more last minute preparations to complete. In the morning, we got up and walked over towards the Sheraton where Yumi had her nail appointment (and was characteristically 10 minutes late). After dropping her off, I went to a Starbucks and continued to work on the slide show for the wedding (which I am sure I had already logged at least 20 hours working on). After a few hours, Socorro rang me and we met up for lunch and ran a few errands together. Time flew and before we knew it we had to get ready for the "rehearsal dinner" cruise on the Star of Honolulu. Everyone gathered at the Sheraton around 4:15 pm and we called taxis to get us to the Aloha Tower where the ship was moored. The cruise began around 5:30 pm and lasted until 7:30 pm. The time really passed quickly and it seemed that we didn't have enough time for all of the things available to us: the nice dinner, conversation, gorgeous scenery, and the traditional music and dancing which I found very impressive. After the cruise was over, we took taxis back to the hotel. I tried on my tux to make sure it fit and then my brother dropped me back at the Ilikai where Yumi and I continued to work on last minute stuff.

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