My latest "oy-vey moment" with Japanese came during this past week's lesson.
Counting in English:
One, two, three... regardless of what the items are (a few exceptions for things like floors - first, second, third...).
Counting in Japanese:
Numbers: ichi, ni, san...
Things: hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu...
People: hitori, futari, sannin...
People: hitori, futari, sannin...
Clothes: icchaku, nicchaku, sancchaku...
Not to be confused with:
Socks and Shoes: issoku, nisoku, sanzoku...
"Small Things": ikko, niko, sanko...
Not including:
"Small Animals, Fish & Insects": ippiki, nihiki, sanbiki...
I swear I'm not making this stuff up:
Drinks: ippai, nihai, sanbai...
Houses: ikken, niken, sangen...
Machines and Vehicles: ichidai, nidai, sandai...
Books and Notebooks: issatsu, nisatsu, sansatsu...
Books and Notebooks: issatsu, nisatsu, sansatsu...
"Thin and Flat Things": ichimai, nimai, sanmai...
"Thin and Long Things": ippon, nihon, sanbon...
Dear lord!