Friday, March 21, 2008

Six-Word Memoirs

I heard about this idea on NPR (Talk of the Nation) and thought it was really neat. Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was asked to write an entire story in 6 words and replied: "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn."
So two authors (Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser) picked up the idea, got thousands of responses from people, and have put them into a book called "Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs from Writers Famous and Obscure." There is also a website where people continue to submit memoirs.
A few others*:
After Harvard, had baby with crackhead.
She said she was negative. Damn.
Joined Army. Came out. Got booted.
I still make coffee for two.
Baby teeth. Buck teeth. No teeth.
Finally a mother. Destination China. Exultation.
Here's my first shot at it: Itinerant idealist. Six continents. Still searching.
I'd love to see your six-word memoirs in the comments section.
*by: Robin Templeton, Ryan McRae, Johan Baumeister, Zak Nelson, Harlan Stanton, Michelle Allen.


  1. Second: thoughts, glance, wife, chance, life.

    Thank you again.


  2. It's brilliant! And you're most welcome.

  3. Brian, thanks for the free press!

    (p.s. even though I only wrote six words, I'd love the hyphenated credit for them. Thanks in advance for the edit!)

    -Johan Baumeister

  4. Apologies for the oversight. Now corrected.

    Very well done, by the way.

  5. Thanks for the quick credit edit!

    I honestly was not expecting much.

    Life's got some funny surprises, occasionally.

  6. be tall, act green, feel love.
    (change nouns and verbs accordingly)

  7. Serious about running, not much else.

  8. Here are mine w some reference points:

    Loving my girls more than ever!(the last few months have been an indescribable gift...time!!)

    Just now growing to appreciate them. (all those who helped raise me)

    Should figure out my next step.

    Will give more and expect less.

  9. Johan: My pleasure. Credit you deserve.

  10. Ben: Very good, though I disagree! (movies, politics...)

  11. Alicia: I like it! How appropriate. :-)

    Didn't realize you're so environmentally minded.

  12. Socorro: How wonderful - they are so precious.

    Funnny how life works (new perspectives).

    Life is full of next steps.
    (just take a look at me!)

  13. Quibbling a bit with e.e. cummings...

    Best fate: beloved’s kisses, daughter’s wisdom.

  14. S:
    Daughter's wisdom from you? Vice versa?
