Wednesday, March 26, 2008

English and Japanese

As I'm trying to learn Japanese (the book I'm working on is for a 4-year old -- how's that for a knock on your ego?), I'm realizing things about both Japanese and English. Both Yumi and my language partner, Minae have lots of problems with articles (a, an, the) because Japanese doesn't have them. They are kind of silly if you think about it. They don't serve a purpose and we use them seemingly indiscriminately. To wit:
He is going home.
He is going to the store.
I want coffee.
I want a candy bar.
Why does store have an article but home doesn't and why does coffee not need an article while candy bar does?
Just musings from a curious mind.


  1. Haha, you make a good question. It is pretty weird. I studied Japanese for a year, two years ago; I haven't been studying since, so they all slipped away.

  2. Hi Strykur, thanks for the comment. I hope you enjoyed studying Japanese as much as I'm enjoying it.
