Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random Web Theft

From my lazy Saturday surfing the web, I bring you some highlights:

**For those of you who saw both The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump, you will love this video parody of their uncanny similarities. Spot on!

**And now for something completely different. I found this video from a link on Andrew Sullivan's blog. It does a great job of explaining the current financial crisis.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

**Also from Sullivan's blog, but originally from here.

I love this! (In case you didn't realize - that's Darwin).

**This article on happiness comes from It's not exactly neoteric and looks rather banal but I thought it was helpful - especially since work hasn't made me the happiest person in the world of late. The bullet pointed version is below:

9 Ways to Be Happier

1. Boost your energy.

2. Reach out to friends.

3. Rid yourself of a nagging task.

4. Create a calmer environment.

5. Lay the groundwork for some future fun.

6. Do a good deed.

7. Act happy.

8. Count your blessings.

9. Perform an action that reflects your values.

**Lastly, for those of you who, like me, enjoy Sudoku. Enjoy the newest puzzle craze out of Japan: Kenken. I like it even better.

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